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Logging in to Rizikon

Once you have logged in, you should see a summary screen listing your assessments:


The summary screen displays a list of all assessments that you have been assigned to complete. The “Progress” bar shows the percentage of questions that have been answered, the “Assessment Status” shows the current state of the assessment. The assessment status will be one of the following states shown below:

Assessment status

Rizikon assessments are categorised into one of the following groups:


By looking at the assessment status you can tell whether you need to take any action relating to the assessment. Initially, your assessment should have the status "Sent for Completion". This means the assessment has been assigned to you, but you have not yet started working on the assessment.

To start answering the assessment questions click on the name of the assessment. You will then be taken to the Assessment Overview:


The Assessment Overview page provides you with an overview of the assessment, on the left hand side there are question sections, each section contains a group of related questions that can be viewed by clicking on the section title.

On the right hand side there is information relating to the assessment (Progress bar, reports on previous submissions). Once an assessment has been fully answered, the submission button will be enabled in the “Actions” box in the right hand column. The central column lists all the responses to questions you have delegated.

To start answering questions, click on the first question section in the left hand column, in the example screen above the section is labelled “Organisation Information”. You will then see a page similar to this:


The left hand column provides navigation, allowing you to view all of the questions in this section of the questionnaire. The central part of the screen contains the question and options for answering the question. To answer a question, simply enter the information, and click save and continue.

Once a question has been answered, the icon in the navigation column will change to a tick. This allows you to identify which questions have been completed, and which questions are still to be answered.


Help Tip: In cases where an answer may be more complex, or if an answer requires justification, there are options to add attachments and notes to an answer. To add an attachment, click the “Add new attachment” button displayed beneath the answer box. To add a new note, click the “Add new note” button located in the right hand column. You can then enter the note information and click “Add” to save the note.


Help Tip: For questions where you want another person to provide an answer, Rizikon has a “Nominate” feature that allows you to share individual questions with other people to be answered. To delegate a question click the “Add” button in the “Nominate” box located in the right hand column. Type the name of the person you want to share with question with, and then click “Create Link”. Once you have created the link, you can copy & paste the link then send it via email, instant message, etc. When the nominated individual opens the link, they will see the only the delegated question.

(see example below)


Help Tip: For questions that you don't understand, or if you are not sure how to answer the question, add an "Answer Note" explaining your issue. This can be done by clicking the "Add new note" button located in the right hand column. You should then enter you best effort attempt to answer the question. Once you have submitted your answers, the assessor will review your note, and provide guidance on how to answer the question. The assessor will then return the assessment so you can update your answers.


Submitting your assessment

Once you have completed all the questions in a section, you will be automatically moved on to the next section, once the final question in the assessment has been completed, you will be automatically moved to the assessment overview page:


Once the progress bar has reached 100%, and all sections display the tick icon, the assessment is ready to be submitted. 

Help tip: Before submitting your answers, you can use the “Show all” link at the top of the left-hand navigation column to view all questions and answers on one page:


Once you are happy with your answers, return to the assessment overview page and click the “Submit” button located in the right hand column. Upon submitting your answers, you will see a confirmation message:


Once you click “OK” your answers will be submitted to the assessor for review. Your answers will be temporarily locked while the assessor reviews them. You will not need to take any further action until the assessor has reviewed your answers and returned with a decision. Once an assessor has finished reviewing your answers, you will receive an automated email alerting you to the changes in your assessment.

In the next section, we will look at receiving and responding to feedback from the assessor.

Step 4: Receiving assessor feedback

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